What is ОЕМ?

OEM simply is – our product with your brand!

In more detail OEM is expanded as – Original Equipment Manufacturer — an organization that sells equipment made by other enterprises under its own name and brand.


Tactical possibilities of OEM

In recent years, OEMs became a growing trend and many Distributors and Construction hypermarkets introduce products under their own trade marks into their range of products. They are prompted to make such decision by the high competition environment, price dumping and when the level of the profit for products of other manufacturers is “below the water-line”, OEM product under own trade mark is a profit making decision, because you promote your own product in your price range without being involved into price dumping, thereby increasing own margin.

Strategic possibilities of OEM

Many small and large international companies successfully use OEM for a long time, they promote thereby own brand and are own masters. We often observe this in the motor vehicle industry, production of domestic appliances, for example, dish-washing machines, this is when we can observe on the same shelf two identical versions that are produced at the same factory but have different logos. One of versions may be by 20-30% more expensive, while the more expensive version is the more eminent and well-known brand and is perceived as more respected and high-quality and may have twofold sales compared with the more budget-oriented brand. So such companies set strategic aims and place stake on own brand and its perception by the user.


Where to begin?

It`s quite simple, just send us a letter with request or call. Together we`ll form your catalogue with the sufficient range of products for your business area and define minimum batches of each item/SKU with single use orders and submit the price list with the range of products approved by you.